In Reply to: I really shouldn't respond to personal attacks but . . . posted by Dr.Bruin on January 10, 2025 at 16:25:39
I have avoided you for a long period becuz you're too insignificant to matter. But, how could I resist YOUR idiotic "statistically-challenged", ummmm, "non-cheapshot" hissyfit barfed out at ME up above? I guess you gave yourself a pass on hissyfits, befitting a Pauley celeb in your "mind".
Pwease stop attacking me, as it's shattering my ability to post, coming from such a big man on campus madly in luv with himself. I just wish, in that regard, that you could bring us up to date on how many consecutive FTs you've hit cuz unfortunately the main stream media as well as the Daily Bruin have ceased coverage of your legendary exploits which YOU have so kindly posted about.
To make amends, I have e-mailed the Daily Bruin to keep a running count of your attending games at Pauley, which I now understand was incumbent upon you to point out since it was incontrovertibly integral to post on a UCLA sports board. And, unlike FaceBook, I'm assuming the Daily Bruin has "fact" checkers to confirm your "fact" that no one has attended more games at Pauley. Not no one, not any how! Hell, given your anal propensities of saving everything from BA posts to personal achievement, I'll betcha you have the ticket stubs from all those games sealed away in your hope chest. I don't wanna sound like a big silly, but would it be possible for you to post their images so we all can celebrate you? Thanks in advance.
The only thing I can say in my defense is that the soul "grudge" I could possibly have against a bigoted nobody, is my wish that you could spread the wealth and sniff some other butts around here........I'm just not worthy going up against a Pauley legend.
So, the Pauley idol's claim is now on the record that CMC"s O is just fine and dandy, as long as he has the right players. Good thing Mick has nothing to do with getting the right players and thus is immune from criticism, inclusive of the *fact* that he's currently running one of the worst O's in the 18-team B!0.
And, good that your above 3 photos offered proof positive that CMC had nothing to do with UCLA having a losing season last yr becuz of missing (I assume) three open
3pt attempts. That certainly lets CMC's "fine" O off the hook and he would be wise to quote you on one of his postgame pressers. I mean, by golly, I really think such an attribution might be soon coming which, accordingly, makes two of us: YOU, in an egomaniacal coma, along with the "statistically-challenged" big fan of yours in little old me.