Two days away from the matchup with $cum at the Galen Non-Events Center.
And, arguably CMC's best player might once again be on the shelf. Can't emphasize enuf that the notable improvement in the recent play of Bilo's 2 backups, Mara & III, might prove to collectively be an outside shot at badly needed Varsity Blues redemption.
The bugaboo?.......................CMC is a gutwrenching 4-7 in his 11 games against Fig Tech!......viz.....GapTooth. And, Musselman is a better coach than Enfield. 4-7 against Varsity Blues is the mother of all Scarlet Letters. I mean, 4-7!!!????
As to Mara & III, $cum is more guard-centric, riding Clod & Yates on the O end. Saint Thomas at 6'7" is their main force in the low blocks, which lesser-sized opposition will somewhat ameliorate the possible loss of Bilo.
This is not just another key B10 matchup, it's the Biggest Baddest Bugaboo in the Western Hemisphere. 4-7 against the singular most egregious crime-wave college sports finishing school? May the basketball G-ds deliver us...