Bracket matrix?

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Posted by Dr.Bruin on March 05, 2025 at 21:16:51

In Reply to: Mississippi State's loss yesterday seems to have mattered. posted by mh on March 05, 2025 at 20:06:50

The Bracket Matrix is just the average of dozens of predictions of brackets, some by those who don't know anything and some by those who do and some which are updated and some which are not. Our average ranking: 6.67, Miss St: 6.87. Not really different.

In last season's final bracket predictions, Florida had an average of 5.93 and Clemson 6.94. but Clemson was a #6 in Florida was a #7 in the actual bracket. Utah state had an average predicted seed of 6.37 and ended up with a #8. BYU had a higher predicted seed than all the #5's but got a #6 seed.

The predictions will probably change a lot in the next two weeks anyway. So being a fraction of a point ahead of somebody is not really significant.

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