halftime - 2 things - playing dumb and getting out hustled

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Posted by barrya on March 09, 2025 at 14:35:35

out hustled both on the boards and on the floor

SC is hustling and playing smart; we aren't matching their energy and we are playing dumb

Right now, SC is doing what they want and going for the threepeat

SC 45-35

RBs SC 23-9 (ORBs SC 12-3)
(we have tall players but SC is hustling and getting position on us)

TOs - SC 9, UCLA 10

most of the other stats are close as well - just hustling, toughness and it's showing up on the boards

The individual stats are depressing. Betts is struggling as the coach is saying at halftime. Dugalic is our high sorer with 8 and we've "held" Watkins to 18 at the half
SC has taken 9 more shots than we have - Brutal math = brutal result

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