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Posted by barrya on March 28, 2025 at 20:03:14

UCLA30 , Mississippi 29

Betts over cooked, came out feeling really tired. Rice sitting out the half.

Aarnisalo once again did her long pass thing and turned it over (once again), that and her getting sped up and pulling a Mack attack, driving in against four defenders for the obvious failure to score both really frustrating.

At this point Betts is winning this game but the rest of the team is being outplayed right now. We will need Rice to take over in Q 4 because Aanisalo and Jones aren't getting it done

Betts has 16 points, 5 RBs
Rest have 14 points

Mississippi has 12 ORBs, UCLA has 3

Miss has 1 TO, UCLA has 8

Miss has taken 38 shots, UCLA 26 (Miss has made 11 to UCLA's 13

Lauren better get her second wind and the rest of the Bruins need to stop getting so sped up or this won't end well

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