Coup[le of interesting Russian things

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Posted by russsmith on February 22, 2025 at 03:22:17

1 the Krasnov story is fascinating not so much the details, that Trump was being recruited by Russia has been around for decades, the original claim was they started working him in 1977 that's in several books quoting the KGB guy who says he was involved. this new story with Trump being called Krasnov is from 1987.The guy says they had Trump as one of several US businessmen they were trying to use as assets. He said the KGB and FSB have removed all the Trump stuff, only Putin can access it now. Said he's had 2 assassination attempts and expects someone will try again now that he's gone public.

What makes the story so interesting is how quickly the media killed it, and I mean killed it. At one point Google literally had 4 links total if you googled the story, of those 4 two links had error 404. There's a an Indian times and a couple of others who still have the story up, several people have archived copies of the story that they posted somewhere and are trying to keep the story up.

The other one is that the 19 year old kid Big Balls, is allegedly the grandson of a former KGB agent. The guy who broke the story said the kids grandfather came to the US as a KGB agent, the US flipped him to spying for us, Russia found out and tricked him into accompanying another Russian agent back to russia where they arrested him and later executed him. His mom is still in the US, got married and had the kid now known as Big Balls.

So the idea that kid has security clearance is either an incredible stain on the US intelligence community, or more likely an outright lie, in that he doesn't have clearance but DOGE and Trump are saying he does.

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