If they had treated them the same as 2020 rioters

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Posted by wwood2 on February 24, 2025 at 08:08:21

In Reply to: Trump doubling down on Jan 6 pardons posted by russsmith on February 23, 2025 at 18:57:59

prosecuted those that were violent, not enticed capitol police to lie during the sham J6 show commission none of this would be happening.

Instead they chose to first incite them, then hold people for an extended period of time with no charges who were escorted in, then overcharge when they got around to it. If it had been fair and impartial nobody would have said anything... But it was used as the only real talking point to elect the Democrat appointee(like dictators do) so they pressed on thinking people were really that dumb... turns out only 45% of the country is that dumb, the rest of us see it for what it was.. an attempted libtard fascist dictatorship trying to shove an unelected candidate down our throats whose policies had just cause severe damage to the country and people said no more. And J6, a simple protest where a handful of people were incited to riot and did so. No different than a full year of riots the year before with nearly zero charges of anyone. Simple as that. Democracy at it's finest.

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