MASA +Link

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Posted by SagoBob on March 01, 2025 at 10:34:48

M.A.S.A. = Make America Sick Again. It would look great on the front of a black cap, to be passed out at burial services for those who died of preventable or treatable illnesses.

The link is to an NYT article on the cancellation of a meeting by the F.D.A. of Vaccine Experts Scheduled to Advise on Flu Shots. The experts review the efficacy of last seasons cocktail of flue viruses selected for the vaccine and advise on which strains should be considered for this years flu vaccine. This, along with the turmoil caused by the proposed cutbacks in the CDC and NIH, will curtail medical research and our ability to monitor and respond to outbreaks of disease around the world.

Covid was born in Wuhan, China and became a global pandemic. In May of 2022 the WHO reported 14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

What affects one of us may affect all of us. We can't live in a bubble isolated from the rest of the planet. Apparently the America First folks think we can?

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