Donald Trump is not doing it alone

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Posted by Gainsborough on March 04, 2025 at 13:27:28

The Republican Party is supporting him.

The betrayals are nearly beyond imagination - the split from our European allies while re-aligning with Russia, the wholesale firings of government employees (many assigned to life-saving programs), the politicization of the Justice Department, the trade wars that are certain to wreck our economy, and more...

We could expect such behavior from Trump. What surprises me is the nearly 100% capitulation by the Republican senators and congressmen. Are they truly aligned with Trump, or have they been cowed into submission by Trump and his supporters?

The Democratic leaders should make it clear to everyone: the Republican Party is responsible for what Trump is doing to our country. The mid-terms of 2026 may be our last hope of saving the country we once knew...

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