DOGE rehires Vet they fired before SOU soeech

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Posted by russsmith on March 04, 2025 at 17:28:56

Daniel Sandecki was to appear tonight as a guest of Rep Sam Liccardo who's from San Jose. A disabled vet, Sandecki was recently fired by DOGE, his name appeared in an article with others who were going to the SOU speech so that Trump would have to see the people.

He was actually emailed 2 days ago to notify him his job had been restored, except he never got the email because... DOGE morons sent it to the email address at work they'd fired him from and locked him out of. It appears he's not the only one who was in the article that got restored, as if DOGE thought by rehiring people they could avoid them embarassing Trump

Sandecki said he was thrilled to get his job back but thought the story about how it happened was a perfect example of how NOT to run a country

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