NATO per se doesn’t have nuclear weapons; England and France

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Posted by Dr.J on March 04, 2025 at 22:52:18

In Reply to: What I’m wondering, is NATO has nukes. If our nukes were a posted by TheHappyBurgermeister on March 04, 2025 at 19:59:37

Possess nuclear weapons which they could employ if NATO is attacked (specifically if attacked with WMD).

Both countries possess credible deterrents against an attack.

If America keeps sliding towards authoritarian rule with Putin’s lickspittle demolishing democratic institutions, Germany could decide to develop its own r arsenal which would have been unthinkable. Germany’s GDP is 2 and 1/2 times Russia and its technological capabilities surpass Russia.

The other nation which might take note of Trump’s feeble servility to dictators is Japan. Again it would have been unthinkable for Japan to develop a nuclear deterrent a few years ago. Japan has the 4th largest economy in the world.

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