What happens when a democracy gets it wrong? What happens if a bad person is legitimately elected to lead a country? And what if that country happens to be the most powerful country in the world?
Our nation was founded by far-sighted men who did not trust human nature. They developed a Constitution that included various safeguards, including the separation of powers. But what happens when the wrong person assumes control and overwhelms those safeguards? Can one man destroy a democracy forever?
He can if he has help.
I’ve said it to my friends many times, and I’ll repeat it here: right now, only the Republicans can save our country.
But thus far the GOP has shown absolutely no sign of standing up to Trump, even as he pivots away from our allies - democracies highlighted by a free press, the rule of law, and human rights - and embraces our historic adversaries - autocracies that feature none of those protections.
We are losing the things that make our country great. Right now, in our lifetime, we may lose it all. The GOP may pay a heavy price at the next mid-term elections, but by then our country may be nearly unrecognizable. If Congress rolls over today and allows Trump to rule by fiat… and if the Supreme Court enables it…. what kind of country will we be tomorrow? Will we have a democracy anymore? Will it matter who wins elections? Will there be real elections at all? All of that, and more is at stake…
And where are those Constitution-loving Republican politicians who are now enabling the dissolution of the institutions they pretended to revere? Quislings, every one of them...