Person I went to school with complaining how evil Dems are because they didn't cheer the kid at teh SOTU who has cancer.
So I pointed out while I personally would have cheered, how does that make her mad but she's NOT mad about Trump and his kids stealing money from St Judes for cancer. One woman questioned me so I posted links. Off line someone who liked my post messaged me to tell me she'd seen me post that same link last year when the same friend brought it up and because of that she didn't vote for Trump in 2024. So I was feeling good.
then I woke up today to 4 different responses all citing the same 2017 NY Times article saying Eric helped raise 17 million for St Judes with quotes from St Judes. That's their PROOF my claim is false.
If you read even their article, the taxes Eric filed only support half of what he claims to have raised, the story admits Trump is being investigated for fraud by the State of NY at the time of the story. It also clearly states the costs for the fund raisers went up 10 fold after Donold demanded Eric started charging St Judes the going rate for use of the golf clubs instead of letting them use them for free. They used to be billed about 50K, after DonOLD demanded full charges it went to 350 to 500K , that difference is all money that would have gone to St Judes for cancer.
In the articles I quoted, over 2 years later, Trump and kids paid a 2 million settlement that included an ADMISSION, in court, that they had violated their fiduciary responsibilities and had used money designated for charity for both Trump Org, the campaign, and for Don sr's personal use. They admitted that in court, it's in the articles.
So after all that, all 4 of these people still say well he raised money that's good, I don't believe he stole it I think that's just Dem accounting tricks . They only admitted it to end the case, yes because they were guilty you morons.
Just more proof he can literally do nothing that the Trump supporters won't forgive.