More likely a toejam I think, but still unlikely

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Posted by CoastalBruin on March 06, 2025 at 11:12:54

In Reply to: But that would be SO MUCH WORK! And really sad.* posted by Enlightened on March 06, 2025 at 11:02:53

I'm sure people remember that on the sports boards, it absolutely was A THING where trojie morons pretended to be UCLA alums to prop up Dorrell, Neuheisal and Alford, who were BAD coaches, and denigrated Howland, who was a GOOD coach. So the cowardly impostor move is in their playbook but HERE, the huge amount of time our troll has dedicated probably means it's neither a trojie scumbag or one of us.

He's got to be paid. Would anyone be shocked that years ago, republicans decided to pay unemployed incels to go out into the obscure corners of internet to spread idiocy and disinformation for $4 an hour? Not me.

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