Biden was a disaster for the American worker:
Public sector: 9% of U.S. job growth
Private sector: 91% of U.S. job growth
Public sector: 31% of U.S. job growth
Private sector: 69% of U.S. job growth
February 2025 job report:
Public sector: 7% of U.S. job growth
Private sector: 93% of U.S. job growth
Over 80% of the job growth once the jobs returned from being shut down for the private sector went to non US citizens. 80 Freaking percent
Last month, 284,000 native-born Americans gained jobs, while 87,000 non citizen workers lost theirs. 367,000 native-born Americans entered the workforce, while 66,000 non citizen workers left.
I know you Democrats hate America, but this is why you lost in a landslide.