The Lia Thomas thing was outrageous, but...

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Posted by nachosgrande on March 10, 2025 at 09:35:48

In Reply to: Transgendered women in sports is one area that needs posted by blindness on March 09, 2025 at 10:24:15

So, having a grown man swimming on a college team one year, self-ID as a woman, and swimming on the women's team the following year, obviously can't be allowed to happen, and unfortunately, the visual of Lia Thomas alone probably radicalized a lot of people on this issue that would have previously been open to a more nuanced solution. Worse than that, it allowed the right to weaponize the issue against trans people more generally in order to terrorize them and push to remove additional rights.

I lean towards keeping things open at the recreational and younger kid level and then leave it up to the governing bodies in competitive sports (which, I suppose, is the status quo?). The problem is that the issue is so politicized it makes it hard for said governing bodies to stake a middle position that both ensures fairness and protects the dignity of trans athletes.

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