Your post is frankly nonsensical and inane

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Posted by Dr.J on March 11, 2025 at 23:51:46

In Reply to: I think we may have a contest for dumbest leader.. posted by confused442 on March 11, 2025 at 14:09:41

He thinks that if the US has to make a choice between entirely making a car cheaper in Mexico or Canada rather than in the US, they are going to change the latter?

WTF? The result of tariffs is that cars produced in Mexico or Canada will be MORE EXPENSIVE, not “cheaper” and result in more US jobs for his union.

It may be lousy policy for any number of reasons but not because tariffs on cars imported from Mexico and Canada will be cheaper. The whole point and effect of tariffs is to make imported cars (and imported components of cars) more expensive than those produced in the US.

Tariffs are stupid and counter productive for a host of reasons but not because they make imported cars cheaper

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