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Posted by Cachorro on March 06, 2025 at 11:43:41

Looking at NET rankings and Quad 1 wins, I’ve been comparing UCLA to several other schools. I have plenty of questions, but this one stands out the most...

UCLA is 9-7 in Quad 1 games, with one loss in Quad 2 and one in Quad 3. Oregon, on the other hand, is 8-6 in Quad 1, with two losses in Quad 2 and none in Quad 3. Here’s where things get confusing—our Quad 3 loss was to Minnesota, while Oregon’s two Quad 2 losses? One was to Nebraska, and the other—also to Minnesota. The difference, I assume, is that our loss was at home.

But what really doesn’t add up is how a team we swept, that finished below us in the conference, and that has fewer Quad 1 wins than us, is projected as a 4-seed while we’re sitting at a 7. It just doesn’t make sense.

If this interests you, other fun comparisons include BYU and Arizona.

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