There's really no way to unequivocally and

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Posted by ej on March 07, 2025 at 10:09:33

In Reply to: Call me confused posted by Cachorro on March 06, 2025 at 11:43:41

uncategorically rate teams.

The powers that be try their best using all kinds of metrics that all leave something to be desired. In the end it's an inexact science (using the word very loosely) regardless of what system is employed.

That's why as a player and a coach, and now as a fan I took and take the attitude that in tournament play you just beat the team in front of you and move on and not worry about all the extraneous noise. A team, a coach, a player, or a fan can doing nothing about how someone else is going to seed or rate anyone else so why worry about it. None of this makes any sense to me. There's just too many "holes" in the methodologies for any of these rating systems to ever hold any water. Why not just pick names out of a hat and be done with it. That makes about as much sense to me as anything else.

Of course if one gets entertainment value from bandying about the numbers, injustices, and inanities that's different. But in the end grousing about it is not going to change anything. Winning here is the remedy. Just win baby! Go Bruins!

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