In Reply to: What's there to be skeptical about? posted by ClockBlocker on October 24, 2024 at 10:27:52
I’m not so sure Day chooses Chip over BOB. I’d take BOB over Chip in almost every scenario if given the option.
My reason for asking, other than I didn’t have a rational reply when asked, is it just doesn’t make much sense for one to leave a job, cut a check to take a job that makes significantly less $$ to go to a less desirable location (to most).
I just wanted to hear why a big Chip fan thinks Chip left. I thought for sure you were going to lean into not having sufficient institutional suppprt as evidence by Lynn being stolen by your chief rival. As a manager I know it would irritate me to no end if GS stole my most important employee and we didn’t do everything possible to keep him/her.