Musk finds fraud in Social Security or did he?

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Posted by russsmith on February 18, 2025 at 05:48:07

Apparently he and DOGE don't read much. Musk announced they found massive fraud in Social security.

Tons of people not listed as dead but 150 years old or older.
Lots of people with 2 or 3 social security numbers, clearly fraud.
Lots of people who are listed as dead elsewhere but not in social security whose accounts are still active. Oh DOGE is so great they are saving us so much.

The first case is related to how the code works in the social security system, if there's any missing "data" in the date field, the default is 1875 for the birthdate, it's how the software is coded. Which means in 2025 anybody who has that default is listed as... 150 years old. You'd think the DOGE geniuses would have noticed them all having the same birth year?

The ones with multiple SS numbers, they accessed a list of people who were the VICTIMS of identity theft, their original SS number was tainted, so they were issued another one. So their SS account lists more than one, in some cases 3 numbers. They are NOT committing fraud they were the victims you DOGE morons.

The last one may be the stupidest, these dead people have active accounts they're robbing social security blind. Actually it's the opposite, undocumented workers in some cases are paid above the table, but they have to have a social security number to get paid. So they buy SS numbers online and those numbers are using from DEAD people. So they then PAY MONEY INTO THE SYSTEM, using a dead persons social security number. For various reasons some dead people aren't listed as dead in the SS system, for many they died before the system was computerized.
So in a sense it's fraud, they are using numbers that don't belong to them, but they are actually helping the system by paying money in they will never get out

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