So they discovered the data is not structured well and the system

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Posted by blindness on February 18, 2025 at 09:15:13

In Reply to: Musk finds fraud in Social Security or did he? posted by russsmith on February 18, 2025 at 05:48:07

needs to be updated. They could have figured that out by simply looking at the schema and a handful of anonymous examples without getting access to everyone's data. And they could've announced that and I would've thought "that's great; someone's finally paying attention to basics of data collection", and we could've gone through this period with no drama and no security breach. The topic of discussion would be the best way to update the system, the way normal adults talk when they identify a problem.

Instead, these people are so stupid they don't even know what they're looking at. They're so lazy they're not even trying to identify what the real problem is. And they're so cruel that destruction of everyone's data and trust in the system, and perhaps the check they recieve is the point (what are the unworthy plebs doing receiving checks that actually belong to billionaires?).

All this is so typical techbro.

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