In Reply to: A crucial assumption in all this is idea that a non-trans female posted by blindness on March 06, 2025 at 02:09:39
Someone on Reddit did the math that sort of face hit is quite common in girls HS volleyball. Also someone tookt he video which says trans athlete injures girl and has the girl who hits the ball circled and edited the video so it doesn't say that and she's not circled. Then took a still and said if you havent' seen the first video yet, please identify the trans athlete in the picture. If you haven't seen the video it looks like 2 teams of HS girls playing volleyball, it's not like there's a 6'5 250 pound guy out there with long hair playing with them.
The actual video it's a normal play, I hate to be mean since she did get some actual injury but if she was better at volleyball she wouldn't have gotten hit, she's mid court on the right side so the spike went several feet before it hits her. She' had her hands in no mans land so she couldn't get them up in front of her face in time to block the shot.
I don't wish injury on anybody but it appears she and her parents have turned this into a well paying career.