He wants that Nobel prize

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Posted by blindness on March 07, 2025 at 10:01:54

In Reply to: Politico is now running a headline stating posted by Gainsborough on March 07, 2025 at 08:46:02

so he needs to look even-handed as much as possible. I can see one of three things:

1. No follow up except for denial that he ever actually said that and long talks with Moscow where he's on his knees, apologizing and trying to get back in his good graces, by, I dunno, military aid to Russia?

2. He'll find something we don't import from Russia and slap some meaningless tariff on it and the show goes on, After he's cleared it with Putin first, of course.

3. There is an outside chance that Viceroy Trump, knowing that he won't need to run for elections any more and thinking he will soon be made "Beloved President for Life" over his kingdom somehow started believing his own lies and is now thinking about going rogue, in which case, we may be entering the Polonium laced diet coke phase of his story.

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