The question is,..

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Posted by SagoBob on March 10, 2025 at 13:29:07

In Reply to: Re: I have a large chunk in a managed bond fund posted by Dr.J on March 10, 2025 at 12:27:01

is this the beginning of the end, or movement towards an end which will lead to a new beginning?

My portfolio leans towards yield paying stocks and mutual funds. Capital gains would be nice, but to realize them you have to sell positions and expose yourself to a capital gains tax.

My history leans towards buying too late and selling too early, so I'm going to ride this one out.

Trump has spooked the traders, but even a glimpse of their shadow also spooks them. If the Wall Street Money Men turn on Trump, then he's got more problems. Even his crypto summit stunt won't change the reality of an economy in free fall.

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