With 2 prominent Palestinian leaders coming out this week saying Trump lied to them about his support, Musk's actions are now getting talked about again.
Reports came out right before election day that there were targeted ads being run in 3 swing states. In Michigan the ads, by text and social media mostly, were pro Harris ads touting her ties to Israel. In the other 2 states they were Pro Harris ads touting her ties to Palestine. Michigan of course has a large Palestinian population, the other 2 states large Jewish Populations.
Kamala Harris did NOT run these ads, Elon Musk did, paid for by his PAC.
Note it appears in none of the 3 states was these populations large enough to have made the difference in the outcome but again the 3 states involved won the election for Trump. 44 electoral votes, 250K votes approximately was the total margin for the 3 states.
This is why frankly Biden and Garland didn't do their job, they should have done a better job of monitoring Musk but then it's not clear what they could have done the ads were running already.