From NYT:
The Trump administration "plans to stop issuing citizenship-affirming documents, like passports and Social Security cards, to infants born on domestic soil to undocumented migrant parents in a bid to end birthright citizenship."
We are not talking about outlawing birthright citizenship going forward. The Trump administration is going to do this to the existing 4.5 million citizens born to undocumented people.
Sounds illegal, but there are no checks and balances. The Supreme Court could rule against the administration, but Trump will LOL and withhold passports and social security cards. 4.5 million people will be effectively become undocumented.
To think that not to long ago, we were talking about DACA: children who were brought here. Now children born here will be targeted. I would imagine many are adults who've lived here all their lives. How about children born to them? Once they are undocumented, they too are stripped of citizenship? We maybe looking at generations of Americans stripped of citizenship and deported. How about people who were sponsored to move here by birthright citizens? Conservatives have been bi>tching about chain migration. 4.5 million could quickly swell to 10-15 million.