In Reply to: Abortion is settled law I don't intend to change i posted by russsmith on December 02, 2024 at 00:43:20
First, isn’t this whataboutism? It appears the term is used selectively by modern day democrats to avoid having to address their own hypocrisies, but employed at will to highlight alleged hypocrisies of their political opponents. I never liked the use of the term to stifle debate, but it’s worth noting it’s selective use here. The fact is Biden blatantly lied for perceived political gain and the only defense being mustered is that the other side has lied as well. If true wouldn’t the logical conclusion be leaders on both sides of the aisle are liars and political opportunists? Why does everything have to be distorted into a pissing contest?
Second, while there is certainly ammunition for you if you’re going the whataboutism route, your example of the 3 Supreme Court justices lying is inaccurate. I don’t believe any stated in their confirmation hearings that roe v wade is “settled law.” Instead they said it was established precedent. But bad law that is precedent can still be overturned. The famous example is Brown v Board overturning a 58 year old plessy v Ferguson precedent, which was about 18 more years than Roe was in force. If you’re going to claim the Supreme Court justices lied you need to highlight specific quotes that you claim are untrue.
Third you refer to a violent “insurrection.” We don’t have to rehash this but Jan 6 was nothing like an actual insurrection, despite Dems ad nauseum use of the misnomer.
Fourth, the constitutional argument that Trump is barred from being President because of the “insurrection” is wrong on a factual and legal basis. Have you forgotten that this issue was litigated and the Dems’ effort was rejected 9-0 at the Supreme Court including by the 3 liberal justices?
Finally, your plan for Biden to just issue blanket pardons to every Dem for as yet unspecified crimes is blatantly unconstitutional and will never be attempted let alone hold up in litigation.
There are probably more issues with your post but I’ve been typing for too long …